SUNDAY 29th SEPTEMBER, 10am EUCHARIST: the President and Preacher will be The Rt. Revd. Bishop Linday Urwin (former Bishop of Horsham)
SUNDAY 6th OCTOBER, 10am, HARVEST FESTIVAL, followed by Harvest Lunch in the Parish Hall. Minimum donation £5, in aid of USPG (United Society Partners in the Gospel: "We ... accompany Anglican churches across the world as they form communities of hope and resistance in the struggles associated with climate change, migration, gender, the human rights of indigenous people and inter-religious living.")
SUNDAY 28TH JUNE, the speaker at the 10am Eucharist will be James Croft, Lead Chaplain of the Meeting House, University of Sussex
SUNDAY 4TH AUGUST: weather permitting the 10am Eucharist will be held outside (bring a camping chair if you need)
SUNDAY 11TH AUGUST, 10AM: PATRONAL FESTIVAL OF ST LAURENCE, the preacher will be Canon Andrew Woodward (St. Mary's Kemp Town). This will be followed by a bring and share picnic in the vicarage garden (in hall if wet) ..............................................................................................................................................
Wednesday, 5th June, 7pm: Eucharist (celeb. Rev.Preb. Alan Green) in the Church, followed by Brighton Deanery Synod Meeting in the Parish Hall from 7.30pm
Sunday 24th 10am: Palm Sunday Procession and Eucharist. Gather in the Village Hall for the reading of the Gospel and procession with palm crosses to the church
Tuesday 26th 6pm: Reflections for Holy Week with Compline
Thursday 28th 7pm: Maundy Thursday: Eucharist with washing of feet
Friday 29th 1pm: Good Friday: Distribution of Hot Cross Buns in church followed by Stations of the Cross procession round the village pond (if dry!)
2pm: Solemn Liturgy and Veneration of the Cross (in church)
Saturday 30th 8pm: Easter Eve: Easter Vigil, Lighting of the Fire and First Mass of Easter
Sunday 31st 10am: Easter Sunday: Eucharist and Blessing of Easter Garden
Friday 15 December – Community Carol Singing: begins at 6.30pm in the Village Hall and continues at 7.15pm in The Swan Inn with mulled wine and mince pies
Saturday 16 December - 4pm Traditional Carol Service in Church
3pm Sunday 24 December - 10am Eucharist for 4th Sunday of Advent- Nativity and Christingle
11.30pm - Christmas Midnight Mass
Monday 25 December - Christmas Day - 10am Eucharist for Christmas Day
Fr. Alan and the people of St Laurence wish you all a very happy Christmas and a blessed new year
.............................................................................................................................................Friday 5th May, 6pm: Vigil before the Coronation of King Charles III
Tuesday 4th April, 6pm: Final session of Lent discussion group followed by Compline
Wednesday, 5th April, 12 noon: Eucharistic (said)
Thursday, 8th April, 7pm, Maundy Thursday: Eucharist with Foot washing
Friday, 7th April, 1pm, Good Friday: Stations of the Cross followed by Eucharist (Hot Cross Buns will be available)
Saturday, 8th April, 7.30pm, Easter Eve: Easter Ceremonies and First Eucharist of Easter
Sunday, 8th April, 10am, Easter Day: Eucharist (with Easter Eggs)
10am Eucharist with distribution of flowers. Everyone is very welcome, there is a children's area in the church, and don't worry if you feel little ones can't manage an hour - bring them later during the service. Everyone is very welcome.
SUNDAY, 22ND JANUARY AT 3pm: LICENSING OF THE REVD. PREB. ALAN GREEN as Priest-in-charge, Stanmer with Falmer, St. Laurence, and Assistant Chaplain, University of Sussex by Will, Bishop of Lewes, at St. Laurence Church, followed by refreshments in the Parish Hall. Everyone is very welcome.
3pm, NATIVITY WITH CHRISTINGLES, a beautiful beginning to Christmas, suitable for all ages
Please note, there will be no Midnight Mass this year, Archdeacon Martin will preside at the Christmas Day Eucharist at 10am, then the next service will be Sunday, 8th January.